Filing Indiana tax

… is funny, it’s obviously designed by comedians. I’m just sitting next to my buddy who tries (since hours) to file his state tax. It’s all online (like the German Elster, but it works with FIrefox). Following questions are hilarious:

First Page:

Enter Your Name: ___”Max Mueller”___

Second Page:

Did “Max Mueller” die in the tax year 2006? [ ] yes [ ] no

Isn’t this hilarious!

Weather catastrophe

Yes, that’s what happened some days ago. I’m still not used to the continental climate! The temperature fell literally overnight from 28 Celsius to 1 Celsius. The next day’s minimum wa at -7 Celsius *ARGH*. How is this supposed to happen??? Such a weird weather here. And the worst thing is that it did not recover yet. It’s getting slightly warmer though, but it’s still beyond 10 :-(.

But a thumbs up: I posted the pictures from better times in California!

I hope it gets warmer soon *brrr*.

Spending my birthday in the airplane

Yeah, it happened that I missed my flight from LA to Indy. I arrived 8hrs late, don’t ask why ;). Anyway, they explained me that I would have to purchase a new ticket *argh* – I thought that I would never ever fly with Northwest. I discussed for 45 minutes with the clerk and she was pretty much under pressure (the queue behind me got longer and longer and people started complaining). Finally, she gave me a place on the waiting list to a flight to Detroit for free. And I made it into the airplane (again, don’t ask how :)). I had only a half seat (there was an incredibly fat (later sweaty and even later smelly) guy next to me that occupied the other half of my seat. It was probably the worst flight I ever had (4.5 hrs on that “half” seat with *full* body contact), but I was very happy to be in that plane! The plane arrived late (a connection flight to Indy was already waiting), and I did the same thing there. I discussed with them until they assigned me tha last free seat for free (hey, what’s the point to fly with a free seat if you could make a potential customer happy :)). But yeah, I forgot about my luggage … it was only checked to Detroit (I realized that later *g*). Again, discussions at the baggage reclaim office :). They did at least agree to transfer it to Indy that I could pick it up the next day (there was no way to convince them to send it home to me for free :)). But I got a car and gas is nearly for free here … so I picked it up. Generally, it was a very interesting experience, how you can fly for free if you are determined enough (I did not make it into the direct flight from LA to Indy, the guy at the desk (Larry) was very very well trained and impressed me a lot, but I had a nice conversation with him, and the next flight worked out).

And I did still have some time to celebrate my birthday.

Swimming in the Pacific

I just had to go for a swim. The conference ended at 5:30 today, so I had some time to go down to the beach (10 mins walking). It was really nice, and I was nearly alone. I did even manage to swim in the Pacific (the water was *freaking* cold) – for 2 minutes :). I guess it was less than 10 degrees Celsius.

Running at the long beach :)

Yeah, after eating all the fat-cakes and muffins and bagels and more unhealthy stuff, I had to go for a run. I used the break between the sessions and the banquet to go for a beach run. It was great! I beat the beach *yeah*. I ran from the beginning (3rd street) all the way down to the end of the beach (okok, let’s say the end of this segment) at 54th street. It’s about 8km (5 miles) one way on google maps. It was really cool – 1hr running at a paradise-like beach with perfect temperature (chilly wind). And I was even the fastest runner out there (I passed everybody and nobody passed me). It was getting very very hard at the end though. Anyway, I can barely walk now but it was totally worth it!

Long Beach, CA

Some first impressions from my trip to the west coast.
My ride to the airport (yeah, the driver carries my bag – he literally pulled it out of my hand *g*).

the inside (huh):

The weather in Long Beach was pretty cold (about 16 Celsius, Bloomington was about 27 Celsius *argh*). Anyway, it was a sunny and nice day, and my rental car (Pontiac) is neat (I’m now proud member of the Emerald club – thanks to IU):

Ok, I should have printed a map :-(. They did *not* have a map of Long Beach at the Los Angeles Airport :-(. So I tried to find the hotel on my own. That was a clear desaster, but I think I found the place where several scenes for Terminator I were shot:

It looks extremely similar, I nearly went down to test the race track :).

Anyway, I found the hotel finally. It’s pretty far away from the conference, but it’s really nice (incl. free wireless) and the hotel + rental car is *much* cheaper than the conference hotel!

My first talk on Monday went *really* nice and the room was completely packed and we had interesting questions/discussions :). I’m looking forward to my second talk on Friday!

Summer start!

Yeah, I love Bloomington. The weather is amazing, and I appreciate the A/C in my car :). It’s 27 Celsius and the sun is shining and everybody parties (I’ve seen 4 beer-pongs going on on my way through the city). Nice! And I just refueled my car for $26 – $2,56 per gallon, that’s about 0.509 EUR/liter) :). And that even seems expensive (I’ve seen $2,35/gallon around).

And I made an incredible deal on rice today! 20 pounds for $9! And it’s Thai rice, not gene-manipuated US rice :).

Yeah, I’m heading out with my macbook to work on the porch!

Update: wahhh, my macbook just died :-(. It switched off in the middle of typing and switches off after some seconds every time I try to switch it on again :-(. Exactly the right time to die … on a Sat evening when I head out for a conference on Sun morning *argh*

The stairmaster

Anju convinced me today not to run outside but to use the “stairmaster” in the SRSC (Studen Recreational Sports Center, the gigantic gym at IUB). This is a hilarious device. It simulated stairs (seriously, look here). We did the Aerobic mode with intensity 15 (of 20) for 30 minutes. This thing killed me!!! It was so good, I thought I would die. I did not know how hard it can be to climb stairs :). It burns more than 1000 calories per hour and I did about 150 storys (World Trade Center?). It was just great, but I doubt that I can do it tomorrow *g*.

And I learned today that you can buy “Nutella” here. Seems to be a good fit for the American wonderbread ;).

My first american car ;-)

Yes, I finally bought a new (used) car. It is a 1999 Saturn SL. It’s not particularly fancy (looks like an Open Astra) but the 1.9l engine with 124 horsepower and its incredible torque turn it into a little beast. I think I made good deal (it was about the same price as the MacBook ;-)).

Some random facts:

  • it’s a second generation SL
  • Saturn is actually a brand of General Motors (a truly american car :))
  • oringinal list price: $11.995 in 1999
  • mileage: 116360
  • engine: 1.9l, 4 cyclinder L4
  • KBB private party value today: $2400 (I don’t tell you how much I paid)
  • 5 speed manual transmission (yeah, I love the stick shift)
  • very spartanic (no power steering, no cruise control, no automatic locks, no nothing :))
  • at least dual airbag, A/C, heater
  • 6 month insurance is about $200 (and covers nearly *nothing*)
  • title + tax + license plate at the BMV in Bton are about $100 (valid for 1 year)
  • one is allowed to drive a car for two working days after purchase without a valid license/insurance in Indiana (weird!)
  • I’ve got two license plates in the car currently *g* – the old one is hard to remove
  • reviews are pretty twofold, but most seem to be satisfied
  • it’s weird, there is nothing like the German AU or HU aka TUEV *hmm*
  • I don’t even have a document that compares to a “Fahrzeugbrief” or “Fahrzeugschein” with the technical specification (i.e., I can modify the car as I wish and no policemen can ever say something???)
  • it is also weird that the BMV is going to (hopefully) mail me the title later. I.e., I do currently not have *any* proof that I own this car (weird). And a friend of mine told me that she is still waiting for her title (since August last year!!!!). Hmm.

Anyway, here are some pictures. I still have to figure out how to mount the German license plate at the front without destroying too much. But I think it’ll be an electric drill and pure brutality :).

Some links

The old greek saying with the healthy mind and the healthy body seems to be proven another time.

The 30 strangest deaths in history, German Nazi tank manuals – hilarious, and some reasons to not to eat out in America :). And last but not least some funny pissoirs.

Other updates are that I’m in the process of purchasing a car right now. Not a particularly cool one but a good choice for a limited budged and my reliability constraints (potential road-trips).