Some Links ;)

FBI wants students to stop travelling, because they could talk about US secrets 😉

The totally useless American movie rating. Die Hand IV with brutal killings rated PG-13 while Amelie, containing a a funny montage of orgasms, was rated R. Go and shoot your neighbors!

Developing Intelligence? You are mentally disabled if you solve this puzzle ;).

I need to get out of here … this country is crazy!!!! 😉

Oh wait, if the FBI lets me go.

PS: 3 famous psychology experiments that would be illegal today 😉

Kroger, gas-prices and 10c/gallon off

This may be boring for most of you but interesting for some (including me :)). The Kroger buy-groceries for $100 and receive 10c/gallon off at a Kroger gas station works! I tested it yesterday! Yeah, I thought that the regular gas price would just be higher, but it was in fact already cheaper than all stations in Bton – and I got an additional 10c off. How exciting, huh? It was pretty exciting until I realized that I pumped only 10 gallons … that’s $1 saving :-(. And I had to drive down to the South-Kroger. Anyway, I paid exactly $25 (18 EUR) for a full tank of gas. I think I can hear some Germans crying over there ;-). But hey, my freaking stupid American car eats 9l/100km :-(.

I’m famous :)

I have some scientific news because they affected my private life enormously :). My paper was accepted at the Supercomputing 2007 in Reno! Yeah, the first supercomputing paper in my career! A EuroPVM paper was also accepted, but that’s way less exciting than the SC07! LibNBC begins to gain attention, and I need to finalize version 1.0 (full MPI-2 support) before SC07 in November :).

So how did this affect my private life? I hit the bars on Wednesday and had some interesting experiences :). And I don’t know how/when I got home.


Yeah, I threw my first party in America yesterday. Jungjin, a Korean friend and me organized a houseparty under the theme “rock da yellow house”. And we did! We made German Potato salad and Korean (special secret :)) Noodles.

And we bought the best booze ever: Kamtschatka Vodka – nearly two liters 40% (80 proof) for $9 :-):

Here some random party pictures:

I partied with the hard core and the Kamtschatka till 7:30am and was completely drunk until the next evening. But I don’t have a hangover *yeah*. Just feeling tired. Anyway, the day after:

It was great! I think I’ll throw more house parties over the summer! Bton beging to be nice again – slowly.

Looong silence

… I know. I was under high stress the last weeks … had some personal issues and three papers to write for conferences. But this is pretty much done now *yeah*. Besides that, my life was pretty dull. My freaking piece of sh*** Saturn broke in a really ridiculous way. I destroyed the stick shift by shifting because it uses plastic parts to connect to the transmission. It looks like I could fix it myself but it turned out that this part is really hard to get (not at all), and I got half of the transmission replaced ($170 🙁 ). Anyway, that thing runs again.

And I moved to a bigger room in our nice little house (actually the biggest), here are some pictures of the house:

And finally my room (in party layout – living layout is boring):

Police explains ways to stay out of trouble during the Little 500

An excerpt from the newspaper:

– Police can confront you on your own property if they see you drinking in plain view and suspect you are underage.

-It is illegal to consume alcohol on city sidewalks, alleys, city parks, city streets and other public areas.

– Police can arrest you if you are carrying IDs with two different names, even if it’s to “hold it for a friend”.

– Underage drivers can be arrested for transporting alcohol, even if it is for friends who are of age.


IU is freakin’ cool!

This is getting better and better :). Not even that IU is amongst the top party schools, there are also amazing events going on here (I missed it last year because I was in Europe *argh*)!

I “attended” the little 500 (wikipedia) this weekend. This is amazing, forget about the “Oktoberfest”, it’s like the whole town turns into a party zone (okok, Loveparade is bigger – but still). The weather was just amazing, and I hung out with friends.

Lance Armstrong said that the race was “the coolest event I ever attended.” He must have been at one of the parties. It’s funny though, nearly everything alcohol related is illegal in this country, but I’ve never seen so many drunk people.
It’s plain cool. And I bought a subwoofer for nearly nothing! Yeah, all the chinese people graduate, move and sell their stuff way under value 🙂 (I bought a mountainbike, the subwoofer, 4 wine glasses and a pan today for only $37).

The funny thing is that our house is so waggly that my walls shake to the sound of Talla2XLC right now ;).

Two quotes of the day

A really drunk guy (drank for 13 hours), yesterday at Nicks: “Homicide before suicide”.

A senior researcher, today at the lab: “The category of nice ideas that never worked: ‘The compiler can do it’. It’s the technical equivalent to the idea of Communism. It never works”.