SC09 in Portland

Yes, still stuck in Rainland. This year’s SC was the best I ever attended to be honest. It felt like I know everybody and I was invited to two to three parties every evening (awesome). My work was presented at the MPI Forum BoF and the FASTOS BoF. I was also invited to present parts of my MPI Forum work at the MPICH2 BoF which was great! However, I fell sick on Wednesday and felt really bad on Thursday and much worse on Friday (which made me miss the morning panel and the SC10 committee meeting).

And the two most exciting happenings:

  1. I entered two drawings and won twice! (an X-box Elite from Microsoft *YAY* (thanks Fab!) and some USB stick from teragrid (I hope they’ll send it to me))
  2. I was complaining about the low threading support (only four) in the Power 7 and the random guy next to me started to explain why. It turned out that this guy was Burton Smith! He entered my personal hall of fame after his keynote at SPAA 2008. This man knows exactly what he talks about and we chatted a long time (until the show closed) about network topologies and routing. It was surprising to me that he mentioned the same fundamental insight in topologies that I had about a month ago independently. He also studied Cayley graphs and friends … five years ago (D’oh, I’m too young!).