AT&T fun…

<meta content=" 2.2 (Linux)" name="GENERATOR" /><meta content="20080525;17480600" name="CREATED" /><meta content="16010101;0" name="CHANGED" /> </p> <style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> </style> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in">AT&T sucks, that’s all that I can say now. Not only that their name servers are kind of broken (resolving is very unreliable and takes forever sometimes), but their customer service is really bad. So I wanted to perform a simple task … change the name of the account holder, i.e., my roommate moved out and I wanted to “take over” phone and internet. I called them on a Friday … 30 minutes and two people on the phone later, I thought everything would be fine. I thought. They told me weird stories that there needs to be an internet downtime of a week in order to change it, but we figured something out that this would not happen (don’t cancel the old account before the new one is “ready”). Should be a standard procedure. My internet connection vanished the following Tuesday *DARN* idiots. Ok, I called them again and they told me that I quit service. Great, I didn’t! I asked them to re-establish it as fast as possible. But hah! I realized that there was no name change at all (the account was still on Matthews name) – but I did not care, I wanted internet back. They told me that they could not post a new order because the old one (the disconnect) was still not finished. WTF! Why does it *FIRST* disconnect me and then processes the order for several days preventing a re-connection *ARGH*. I called them every day and finally, on Thursday, they could post a new order that should be executed by the following Tue (wow, they need 6 days to fix a freaking account). The whole thing was just a matter of giving me a new password. Ok, I waited …. spent the weekend in the lab :-/. Tue evening came and the net was not back … of course … idiots. So I called again. They told me that I need to go to some webpage and that I need Internet Explorer for that. I tried Firefox on Linux and failed because they used some stupid (wrong) JavaScript for the “Next” button on this terrible webpage. Oh man, and the people on the phone were way to stupid to deal with this situation. So I gave up (after 45 minutes) and asked my roommate to borrow his laptop. We logged in and – voila – the button worked. This terrible webpage *FORCED* us to install some Yahoo toolbar stuff thingie. Oh man, AT&T forces you to install stuff you don’t need in order to get IP access. Idiots! It finally worked …. never ever AT&T again.</p> </div> <footer class="entry-footer clearfix"> <div class="entry-meta entry-meta-bottom"><span class="entry-more"><a href="" title="AT&T fun…"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> Read More</span></a></div> </footer> </article> <article id="post-104" class="post-104 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized"> <header class="entry-header"> <p class="post-date-2"><span class="month">May</span><span class="day">6</span><span class="year">2008</span></p><h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to More soup :)" rel="bookmark">More soup :)</a></h2><span class="entry-meta"><span class="by-author"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by htor" rel="author"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-user meta-icon"> </i></span> htor</a></span><span class="entry-category"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-folder-open meta-icon"> </i></span><a href="">Uncategorized</a></span></span> </header> <div class="entry-content clearfix"> <p>Yeah, I cooked more seaweed soup … it’s awesome. Try: broccoli, tuna, carrots, lettuce, seaweed, pepper and soy sauce and you’ll get:</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/may08/soup.jpg" /></p> </div> <footer class="entry-footer clearfix"> <div class="entry-meta entry-meta-bottom"><span class="entry-more"><a href="" title="More soup :)"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> Read More</span></a></div> </footer> </article> <article id="post-103" class="post-103 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-travel"> <header class="entry-header"> <p class="post-date-2"><span class="month">May</span><span class="day">3</span><span class="year">2008</span></p><h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Chicago downtown – impressions" rel="bookmark">Chicago downtown – impressions</a></h2><span class="entry-meta"><span class="by-author"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by htor" rel="author"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-user meta-icon"> </i></span> htor</a></span><span class="entry-category"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-folder-open meta-icon"> </i></span><a href="">Travel</a></span></span> </header> <div class="entry-content clearfix"> <p>Some Pictures:</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/may08/chicago1.jpg" /></p> <p>incredibly affordable parking downtown 😉</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/may08/chicago2.jpg" /></p> <p>Nice view</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/may08/chicago3.jpg" /><br /> <img src="/blog/pics/may08/chicago4.jpg" /></p> <p>The building where we met (23rd floor, Microsoft)</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/may08/chicago5.jpg" /></p> <p>The Hancock tower.  The building in the left of it is the building behind our hotel. Our hotel is much much smaller … even though it had 15 stories :). See next pictures.<br /> <img src="/blog/pics/may08/chicago6.jpg" /></p> <p>We lived in the Westin hotel … ohohoh, man, this looks freaking small next to the tower.</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/may08/chicago7.jpg" /></p> <p>A church … kind of ridiculous between those skyscrapers.</p> </div> <footer class="entry-footer clearfix"> <div class="entry-meta entry-meta-bottom"><span class="entry-more"><a href="" title="Chicago downtown – impressions"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> Read More</span></a></div> </footer> </article> <article id="post-102" class="post-102 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-mpi category-travel"> <header class="entry-header"> <p class="post-date-2"><span class="month">May</span><span class="day">2</span><span class="year">2008</span></p><h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to MPI Forum No. 3" rel="bookmark">MPI Forum No. 3</a></h2><span class="entry-meta"><span class="by-author"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by htor" rel="author"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-user meta-icon"> </i></span> htor</a></span><span class="entry-category"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-folder-open meta-icon"> </i></span><a href="">MPI</a> • <a href="">Travel</a></span></span> </header> <div class="entry-content clearfix"> <p>Just came back from the third MPI Forum in Chicago. We finished MPI-2.1 (I guess) … mostly. I think we’ll just have to vote on it at the next meeting :). It’s good that this is finished and we have a nice single document mandating the newest MPI standard. We’ve also been able to fix many bugs (see the ML). This meeting was at the Microsoft location in Chicago … in the 23rd floor of a skyscraper downtown. Pretty neat … nearly. One day, I decided to take the stairs (to not get fat in America) to find the door on the 23rd floor locked, after 7 minutes and 552 stairs. Great … actually, all doors but the lobby were locked :-(. So I walked down again *hmpf*. I complained and was told that this is a security feature – how weird, the lobby exit is right next to the elevators, i.e., one can just exit at the lobby and use the elevator to get to any floor – security, huh? I guess this is typical American security, like everyone has to take his shoes off at the airport.</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/apr08/microsoft_small.jpg" /></p> <p>What’s wrong in this picture? Me or the Microsoft logo?</p> </div> <footer class="entry-footer clearfix"> <div class="entry-meta entry-meta-bottom"><span class="entry-more"><a href="" title="MPI Forum No. 3"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> Read More</span></a></div> </footer> </article> <article id="post-101" class="post-101 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-travel"> <header class="entry-header"> <p class="post-date-2"><span class="month">Apr</span><span class="day">19</span><span class="year">2008</span></p><h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Miami wrapup" rel="bookmark">Miami wrapup</a></h2><span class="entry-meta"><span class="by-author"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by htor" rel="author"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-user meta-icon"> </i></span> htor</a></span><span class="entry-category"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-folder-open meta-icon"> </i></span><a href="">Travel</a></span></span> </header> <div class="entry-content clearfix"> <p>Ah, I’m back from Miami. It’s good to be home – and good that I made it home. Man, the rental return *sucks*. I was going in circles around the airport for about 20 minutes because they put one sign *behind* a palmtree. Oh man … I was so mad. I barely caught my flight (the clerk told me that I’m too late but checked me in anyway (my luggage delayed the start)). Then I also barely made the connection flight because we arrived late in Atlanta (I ran through the airport … as usual). My luggage delayed the start again … oh man. Anyway, I’m back in Bloomington!</p> <p>Miami was nice but strange. The city seems to be under complete reconstruction and … dead. There is nearly no traffic (excluding Miami Beach) and no people on the streets. I am wondering who lives/works in all those skyscrapers. Really really weird. And the people I met were strange and most of them only spoke bad English – the official language there seems to be Spanish. How weird (again). I made some pictures :):</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/apr08/miami.jpg" /></p> <p>Te highway towards the city … sweet palmtrees all over the place!</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/apr08/hotel.jpg" /></p> <p>My hotel room – much better then I expected for the price. A nice tree in front of the window, free 1 MiB/s wireless and great room service!</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/apr08/rental.jpg" /></p> <p>My uber-cool rental car. Looks silly … but pay attention to the spoiler! It had twice as much power as it needed. Man, this car was just cool!</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/apr08/downtown.jpg" /></p> <p>The conference was downtown Miami … and here it is. Terrible … I did not like it!</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/apr08/park.jpg" /></p> <p>I parked about 20 mins walking distance from downtown to save parking fees. I had a very very nice walk every morning. Really enjoyable – this is one of the views I got on the go.</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/apr08/bus.jpg" /></p> <p>The Miami downtown transportation system – a cute little bus on high rails. Looks weird but is free and kinda nice. Unfortunately only downtown … it’s still US (or maybe north Mexico?).</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/apr08/boat.jpg" /></p> <p>The conference hotel was right on a river where boats kept coming by. The area was full with draw bridges, as you see here:</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/apr08/drawbridge.jpg" /></p> <p>People who stayed in the conference hotel complained about the noise this thing made (yes, it was pretty loud).</p> <p>That’s it … the conference was … hmm, ok. Ask me for details ;). Many very interesting conversations and I met some new interesting people.</p> </div> <footer class="entry-footer clearfix"> <div class="entry-meta entry-meta-bottom"><span class="entry-more"><a href="" title="Miami wrapup"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> Read More</span></a></div> </footer> </article> <article id="post-100" class="post-100 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-travel"> <header class="entry-header"> <p class="post-date-2"><span class="month">Apr</span><span class="day">15</span><span class="year">2008</span></p><h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Running (to) Miami Beach" rel="bookmark">Running (to) Miami Beach</a></h2><span class="entry-meta"><span class="by-author"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by htor" rel="author"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-user meta-icon"> </i></span> htor</a></span><span class="entry-category"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-folder-open meta-icon"> </i></span><a href="">Travel</a></span></span> </header> <div class="entry-content clearfix"> <p>Oh man, we ran and ran and ran and ran (way too far) from the conference location (Hyatt Regency Miami) to the Beach. We means Jesper and me … the Jesper who totally outrun me :). How embarrassing 😉 … but he’s a really good runner. We ran about 19km (12 miles) in 1 hrs and 45 minutes. The route is <a href=",25.770477,-80.190049%3B6855189629100520121,25.791670,-80.144598%3B12374472337105804123,25.792330,-80.129740%3B17504037684220641533,25.774590,-80.134878%3B6179658994317163446,25.770150,-80.190020&saddr=SE+2nd+Ave%2FUS-1+%4025.770477,+-80.190049&daddr=Dade+Blvd+%4025.791670,+-80.144598+to:17th+St%2FHank+Meyer+Blvd+%4025.792330,+-80.129740+to:5th+St+%4025.774590,+-80.134878+to:25.779605,-80.188694+to:SE+2nd+Ave%2FUS-1+%4025.770150,+-80.190020&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=4&sz=15&via=1,2,3,4&jsv=107&sll=25.777247,-80.193715&sspn=0.022453,0.027895&ie=UTF8&ll=25.772996,-80.178738&spn=0.044907,0.05579&t=h&z=14">here on google maps</a> (we actually ran to the beach, but google maps didn’t allow the waypoint). I’m done with physical activity for today … good that I can just sit and listen to talks :). Btw. beautiful view/scenery from the bridges of Miami (Beach) … you guys should all run here!</p> </div> <footer class="entry-footer clearfix"> <div class="entry-meta entry-meta-bottom"><span class="entry-more"><a href="" title="Running (to) Miami Beach"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> Read More</span></a></div> </footer> </article> <article id="post-99" class="post-99 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-travel"> <header class="entry-header"> <p class="post-date-2"><span class="month">Apr</span><span class="day">13</span><span class="year">2008</span></p><h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Arrived in Miami (Beach)" rel="bookmark">Arrived in Miami (Beach)</a></h2><span class="entry-meta"><span class="by-author"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by htor" rel="author"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-user meta-icon"> </i></span> htor</a></span><span class="entry-category"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-folder-open meta-icon"> </i></span><a href="">Travel</a></span></span> </header> <div class="entry-content clearfix"> <p>yeah, I just arrived here … and I don’t like the city, but the rental I got is *really* cool. It’s only economy (a Saturn) but it has at least twice as much power as it needs :). And the audio is really good too … radio stations in Miami suck though (note to self: burn a CD!!). Anyway, I don’t like the city because it has a traffic problem … I went to Miami Beach and I couldn’t even park. *ARGH* the cheapest parking Lot I found (20 mins walking from the conference location) is still $10/day. It’s way too hot … ah, anyway, the city itself is rather impressing but also depressing.</p> </div> <footer class="entry-footer clearfix"> <div class="entry-meta entry-meta-bottom"><span class="entry-more"><a href="" title="Arrived in Miami (Beach)"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> Read More</span></a></div> </footer> </article> <article id="post-97" class="post-97 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-us"> <header class="entry-header"> <p class="post-date-2"><span class="month">Apr</span><span class="day">12</span><span class="year">2008</span></p><h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Taxes taxes and more taxes" rel="bookmark">Taxes taxes and more taxes</a></h2><span class="entry-meta"><span class="by-author"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by htor" rel="author"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-user meta-icon"> </i></span> htor</a></span><span class="entry-category"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-folder-open meta-icon"> </i></span><a href="">US</a></span></span> </header> <div class="entry-content clearfix"> <p>Oh *MAN*. I thought the German tax system is complicated. But it’s a joke compared to US one. Everybody has to file taxes to the US (IRA) *AND* all the states *and* counties he worked in. Man, so I had to file federal tax, Indiana tax and county tax (fortunately part of the Indiana tax … so they’re not completely brain-dead). I wasted a *whole* day trying to understand the issues with my visa status and bla bla bla. I didn’t only waste my day but also IU’s tax expert’s day. They’re very very very friendly here, but my case is extremely complicated (I changed visa status). The quintessence: I need to go back to J-1 asap.<br /> Why? Because I am freaking poor now, after I paid my due to the government. But hey, I got a tax return from Indiana … this is so weird. It’s also weird that foreigners can not deduct educational costs (tuition) from their taxes. It’s actually rather unfair, because US citizens can deduct this, and they also get much much more standard deduction :-(. I had $631 as standard deduction and a collegue (US citizen) had more than $5000 -> *ARGH*. Anyway, the taxes are still rather low compared to Germany. All in all (federal, state and county), I paid less than 13%.</p> <p>I mailed it in today … I hope they’re happy (and can read my handwriting on the state tax forms).</p> </div> <footer class="entry-footer clearfix"> <div class="entry-meta entry-meta-bottom"><span class="entry-more"><a href="" title="Taxes taxes and more taxes"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> Read More</span></a></div> </footer> </article> <article id="post-96" class="post-96 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-travel"> <header class="entry-header"> <p class="post-date-2"><span class="month">Apr</span><span class="day">7</span><span class="year">2008</span></p><h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Another flight … through Washington" rel="bookmark">Another flight … through Washington</a></h2><span class="entry-meta"><span class="by-author"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by htor" rel="author"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-user meta-icon"> </i></span> htor</a></span><span class="entry-category"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-folder-open meta-icon"> </i></span><a href="">Travel</a></span></span> </header> <div class="entry-content clearfix"> <p>Ah, yes, I was stuck overnight last time when I flew through Washington. And I did not learn! I picked Washington again (the Space Trains are way too cool). Immigration at this airport sucks … it’s really terrible. I was standing in line for more than three (3!) hours this time. This was ok, because I had a nice chat with a woman from Suse aehem Novell – besides Aaaaahhhh, my connection flight left 2hrs after arrival. Great! Ok, I missed this one. United only had another flight 10pm, I would have to wait 4 hrs and miss the last shuttle to Bloomington. Hmm, I pulled up rule 242 – they did not care at all – a**h***s. Fortunately I saw that another flight ti Indy was delayed by three hours, so I went back to the clerk and was re-booked to this one. Man, couldn’t they do this by themselves???? I took a space train then and just arrived for the departure of this one :).</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/apr08/washington1a.jpg" /></p> <p>A space-train 🙂 (they call it “mobile lounge”).</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/apr08/washington2a.jpg" /></p> <p>They even managed to “forward” my bag. Hmm, at least in front of the plane … this delayed the start by 10 minutes. I think it was because there was *nobody* to pick it up *grin*.</p> <p>When I arrived in Indy, I realized that I would have to wait 1:40hrs for the next shuttle bus. Oh man, so I decided to try the cool agreement that IU has with National ($25 for a rental). It worked (kind of, I was stuck at the checkout for 30 min because they did not accept my debit card together with my Emerald club). But IU – better the contract – certainly rules. I got a free upgrade by two classes and picked the fattest car available. The poor guy I was chatting with in the bus picked an economy about half of the size than my car right next to me (and paid much much more). So I got a Nissan X-Terra (2005 version):<img src="/blog/pics/apr08/xterra.jpg" /><br /> This machine has a lot of power and was thus much fun to drive :). And it was much bigger than most cars on the road (yes, even in America). I was tempted to just ram another car from the street ;-). Including taxes, I paid $32 for the rental and $9 for gas. A very reasonable price (and it’s faster than the limo). I guess I could save on gas with a smaller car … but hey, where’s the fun here? I like National (much more than Enterprise actually)! I arrived after 28hrs travel in Bloomington.</p> </div> <footer class="entry-footer clearfix"> <div class="entry-meta entry-meta-bottom"><span class="entry-more"><a href="" title="Another flight … through Washington"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> Read More</span></a></div> </footer> </article> <article id="post-98" class="post-98 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-travel"> <header class="entry-header"> <p class="post-date-2"><span class="month">Apr</span><span class="day">1</span><span class="year">2008</span></p><h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to The fabulous “Glueckaufturm” tower" rel="bookmark">The fabulous “Glueckaufturm” tower</a></h2><span class="entry-meta"><span class="by-author"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by htor" rel="author"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-user meta-icon"> </i></span> htor</a></span><span class="entry-category"><span class="meta-prep"><i class="icon-folder-open meta-icon"> </i></span><a href="">Travel</a></span></span> </header> <div class="entry-content clearfix"> <p>Yeah, I was home over the Easter holidays and we used the time to explore the “Erzgebirge” (ore mountains). Right next to my home town is an old uranium mine, and a huge artificial mountain (all the soil from the mine), actually the highest in a large area. They built a huge tower on this mountain (just for fun).</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/apr08/tower4a.jpg" /><br /> The tower!</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/apr08/tower3a.jpg" /><br /> it seems rather high if you’re on the top 😉</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/apr08/tower1a.jpg" /><br /> Oelsnitz (the town close to my hometown)</p> <p><img src="/blog/pics/apr08/tower2a.jpg" /></p> <p>Yes! We have wind energy!</p> </div> <footer class="entry-footer clearfix"> <div class="entry-meta entry-meta-bottom"><span class="entry-more"><a href="" title="The fabulous “Glueckaufturm” tower"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> Read More</span></a></div> </footer> </article> <nav id="nav-below" class="pagination-centered"><ul class="pagination"><li><span>Page </span></li><li><a class="prev page-numbers" href=""><i class="icon-chevron-left"></i></a></li><li><a class="page-numbers" href="">1</a></li><li><span class="page-numbers dots">…</span></li><li><a class="page-numbers" href="">13</a></li><li><a class="page-numbers" href="">14</a></li><li><a class="page-numbers" href="">15</a></li><li><span aria-current="page" class="page-numbers current">16</span></li><li><a class="page-numbers" href="">17</a></li><li><a class="page-numbers" href="">18</a></li><li><a class="page-numbers" href="">19</a></li><li><span class="page-numbers dots">…</span></li><li><a class="page-numbers" 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