Finally, after the last meeting in Chicago a couple of weeks ago and some more minor edits, we (the MPI Forum) were able to release our first public draft of MPI-3.0. Jeff has an explanation why it took a while :-).

This draft includes everything that has been voted into MPI-3.0. The standard is closed for major changes, so all features are in place. We put out this draft to the public to allow for comments until we vote on finally (on each chapter) in the September meeting. We plan to ratify the standard at that meeting if there are no other delays (one never knows!).
Nevertheless, we remain open for changes (especially bugs) and feature requests (which will go into future versions, e.g., MPI-3.1). Minor changes, that can still influence MPI-3.0 include any kind of bug in the released document (minor or major) or small explanations and additions that don’t change semantics significantly. However, we’re trying to keep the changes to the document minimal, so only absolutely necessary changes will be considered.
The draft is available at
If you find issues, either contact the Forum member of your choice or broadcast to a larger group via the mailinglist (, you need to be subscribed). We accept comments until September 6th and we thank you for your support!
Happy reviewing and exploring of all the new features! PS: my earlier posts on the new MPI-3.0 features remain completely valid and provide a good overview of the news in MPI-3.0. If you are interested to learn more about MPI-3, you may also consider to look through some of the tutorial materials that I and Martin provided! We are planning to offer this tutorial at future conferences, so watch out!