SPCL activies at SC17

SC17 is over, and even though it was my 10th anniversary, it wasn’t the best of the SC series. Actually, if you ask me personally, probably the worst but I promised to not discuss details here. Fortunately, I’ll be tech papers chair with Todd Gamblin as a vice next year, so we’ll make sure to remain purely technical. The SC series is and remains strong!

SPCL was again present in many areas across the technical program. Konstantin, Tobias, Salvatore, and I were involved in many things. Here are the thirteen most significant appearances:

1) Sunday: Torsten presented Capability Models for Manycore Memory Systems: A Case-Study with Xeon Phi KNL and the COSMO Weather Code at the Intel HPC Developer’s conference

Room was packed and people were standing :-). Slides

2) Sunday: Salvatore presented LogGOPSim version 2 at the ExaMPI workshop

3) Monday: Tobias talks about “Improved Loop Distribution in LLVM Using Polyhedral Dependences” at the LLVM workshop [program]

4) Monday: Torsten co-presents the Advanced MPI Tutorial [program]

5) Monday: Torsten presents at the Early Career Panel how to publish [program]

6) Monday: Salvatore presents his work on SimFS at the PDSW workshop

7) Tuesday: Torsten presents the sPIN talk at the TiTech booth

8) Tuesday: Torsten talks at the 25 years-of MPI and 20 years of OpenMP celebration at the Intel booth

MPI+MPI or MPI+OpenMP is the question :-).

9) Tuesday: Torsten appears at the SIGHPC annual members meeting as an elected member (slightly late due to the Intel celebration)

10) Tuesday: Konstantin presents his poster Unifying Replication and Erasure Coding to Rule Resilience in KV-Stores at the poster reception

11) Wednesday: Torsten presents the sPIN paper in the technical program

Room was full, unfortunately, the session chair’s clock was wrong, so we started 5 mins early and people streamed in late :-(. Sorry! But that was the smallest which was wrong with this …

12) Wednesday: Salvatore presents his poster on Virtualized Big Data: Reproducing Simulation Output on Demand as ACM SRC semi finalist

13) Thursday: Edgar presents the paper Scaling Betweenness Centrality Using Communication-Efficient Sparse Matrix Multiplication in the technical program

14) Friday: Torsten co-organizes the H2RC workshop

Triple room was packed (~150-200 people during the keynote).