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Publications of Torsten Hoefler
Torsten Hoefler:
| | Application-Centric Benchmarking and Modeling for Co-Design
(Presentation - presented in Edinburgh, Great Britain, Apr. 2013, Presented at the Exascale Applications and Software Conference (EASC'13) )
AbstractThe development of Exascale hardware architectures, compilers, and runtime systems or middleware requires a detailed understanding of the applications to be run on the system. In this
work, we summarize the challenges and common pitfalls of current design strategies. We discuss
how to characterize applications by their requirements in order to design future systems.
Documents download slides:  | | BibTeX | @misc{hoefler-easc-modeling, author={Torsten Hoefler}, title={{Application-Centric Benchmarking and Modeling for Co-Design}}, year={2013}, month={Apr.}, location={Edinburgh, Great Britain}, note={Presented at the Exascale Applications and Software Conference (EASC'13)}, source={http://www.unixer.de/~htor/publications/}, } |