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Publications of Torsten Hoefler
Frank Mietke, Torsten Mehlan, Torsten Hoefler, Wolfgang Rehm:
| | Design and Evaluation of a 2048 Core Cluster System
(In Proceedings of 3rd KiCC Workshop 2007, presented in Aachen, Germany, RWTH Aachen, Dec. 2007)
AbstractDesigning a 2048 core high performance cluster, including an appropriate parallel storage complex and a high
speed network, under the pressure of limited budget (2.6
Mio Euro), performance, thermal and space limitations is
really a challenging task.
In this paper, we present our design decisions and their reasons, our experiences during the installation stage as well
as performance numbers using well-known benchmarks in
the field of scientific computing, networking and I/O, and
real world applications.
Documentsdownload article:  download slides:  | | BibTeX | @inproceedings{mietke-chic, author={Frank Mietke and Torsten Mehlan and Torsten Hoefler and Wolfgang Rehm}, title={{Design and Evaluation of a 2048 Core Cluster System}}, year={2007}, month={Dec.}, booktitle={Proceedings of 3rd KiCC Workshop 2007}, location={Aachen, Germany}, publisher={RWTH Aachen}, source={http://www.unixer.de/~htor/publications/}, } |