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Publications of Torsten Hoefler
Maciej Besta, Dimitri Stanojevic, Johannes de Fine Licht, Tal Ben-Nun, Torsten Hoefler:

 Graph Processing on FPGAs: Taxonomy, Survey, Challenges

(CoRR. Vol abs/1903.06697, Feb. 2019)


Graph processing has become an important part of various areas, such as machine learning, computational sciences, medical applications, social network analysis, and many others. Various graphs, for example web or social networks, may contain up to trillions of edges. The sheer size of such datasets, combined with the irregular nature of graph processing, poses unique challenges for the runtime and the consumed power. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) can be an energy-efficient solution to deliver specialized hardware for graph processing. This is reflected by the recent interest in developing various graph algorithms and graph processing frameworks on FPGAs. To facilitate understanding of this emerging domain, we present the first survey and taxonomy on graph computations on FPGAs. Our survey describes and categorizes existing schemes and explains key ideas. Finally, we discuss research and engineering challenges to outline the future of graph computations on FPGAs.


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  author={Maciej Besta and Dimitri Stanojevic and Johannes de Fine Licht and Tal Ben-Nun and Torsten Hoefler},
  title={{Graph Processing on FPGAs: Taxonomy, Survey, Challenges}},

serving:© Torsten Hoefler