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Publications of Torsten Hoefler
Torsten Hoefler:
| | Active RDMA - new tricks for an old dog
(Presentation - presented in Gleneden Beach, OR, USA, Apr. 2016, Invited talk at Salishan Meeting )
AbstractRemote memory access or partitioned global address space programming have been around for more than a decade. Their original idea was to allow put/get access to remote memory to enable a programming model similar to shared memory but with two explicit levels of locality. Remote direct memory access (RDMA) hardware enabled the basic put/get mechanisms at very high speeds. Will show with three examples how simple additional hardware functions can improve performance of various application classes significantly. For example, to implement a producer/consumer pattern, put/get is not sufficient but needs to be extended with a consistent notification mechanism. Furthermore, some simple but data-intensive computations can be moved to the data and can be processed by a handler on data access. Last but not least, one could envision global transactions similar to transactional memory which can accelerate irregular applications using optimistic concurrency control. After outlining these techniques and results, we want to stir the discussion to design and implement such features in hardware RDMA systems.
Documents download slides:  | | BibTeX | @misc{hoefler-salishan16, author={Torsten Hoefler}, title={{Active RDMA - new tricks for an old dog}}, year={2016}, month={Apr.}, location={Gleneden Beach, OR, USA}, note={Invited talk at Salishan Meeting}, source={http://www.unixer.de/~htor/publications/}, } |