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Publications of Torsten Hoefler
G. Bauer, Torsten Hoefler, W. Kramer and B. Fiedler:
| | Analyses and Modeling of Applications Used to Demonstrate Sustained Petascale Performance on Blue Waters
(Presentation - presented in Stuttgart, Germany, May 2012, Cray User Group )
AbstractThe sustained petascale performance of the
Blue Waters system will be demonstrated using a suite
of several applications representing a wide variety of
disciplines important to the scientific community of the US
National Science Foundation. The geometric mean of the
measured floating point rates for these applications running scientific problems of current interest at scale is used
to compute the sustained petascale performance (SPP),
which is a key acceptance metric for the system. In this
report, we discuss the performance of these applications on
Cray XE hardware. Our elemental modeling methodology
splits each of the codes into a small set of performance-relevant kernels (typically around 5-7). We analyze those
kernels in detail on the AMD Interlagos architecture to
determine the achieved memory bandwidths and latencies,
communication bandwidths and latencies, and floating
point rates. This allows us to conclude, in a form similar
to the Roofline model, how well each kernel performs with
regards to each of the parameters. For example, if a kernel
is mediocre in peak performance but utilizes 100% of the
memory or network bandwidth, we can conclude that the
kernel is utilizing the architecture well and is memory- (or communication-) bound. While a low floating point
rate and a low bandwidth utilization suggests optimization
opportunities. Our analyses should also provide us with
insight into application performance on future systems.
Documentsdownload article: 
| | BibTeX | @misc{hoefler-cug12, author={G. Bauer and Torsten Hoefler and W. Kramer and B. Fiedler}, title={{Analyses and Modeling of Applications Used to Demonstrate Sustained Petascale Performance on Blue Waters}}, year={2012}, month={May}, location={Stuttgart, Germany}, note={Cray User Group}, source={http://www.unixer.de/~htor/publications/}, } |