International Workshop on
Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers
ROSS 2014
Held in conjunction with ICS 2014, Munich, Germany, June 10, 2014
- June 13, 2014: The workshop took place in Munich, Germany on June 10. Congratulations to Robert Wisniewski and co-authors on receiving the best paper award! Post-workshop materials (slides, proceedings links, pictures) are available on the Program page.
- April 27, 2014: Preliminary workshop program has been posted. We accepted 9 out of 16 submissions (56% acceptance rate).
- March 22, 2014: The submission website is now closed. We have received 16 papers.
- March 20, 2014: The keynote this year will be delivered by Prof. Dr. Hermann Härtig, TU Dresden, Germany.
- March 7, 2014: The deadline has been extended by one week, to March 21, 2014.
The complexity of node architectures in supercomputers increases as we cross petaflop milestones on the way towards Exascale. Increasing levels of parallelism in multi- and many-core chips and emerging heterogeneity of computational resources coupled with energy and memory constraints force a reevaluation of our approaches towards operating systems and runtime environments. The International Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers provides a forum for researchers to exchange ideas and discuss research questions that are relevant to upcoming supercomputers.
Topics of Interest
The topics include, but are not limited to:- OS and runtime system scalability on many-node and multi/many-core systems
- specialized OSs for Supercomputing
- distributed/hybrid/partitioned OSs and runtime systems for Supercomputing
- fault tolerance
- system noise analysis and prevention
- interaction between middleware, runtime system, and the OS
- modeling and performance analysis of runtime systems
- OS and runtime considerations for large-volume, high-performance I/O
- parallel job startup
- memory management and emerging memory technologies
- the role of OS and runtime system in minimizing power usage
- real-time considerations for Supercomputing