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Publications of Torsten Hoefler
Torsten Hoefler, J. Dinan, Rajeev Thakur, Brian Barrett, P. Balaji, William Gropp, K. Underwood:
| | Remote Memory Access Programming in MPI-3
(ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC). ACM, Jan. 2015, accepted for publication on Dec. 4th )
AbstractThe Message Passing Interface (MPI) 3.0 standard, introduced in September 2012, includes a significant
update to the one-sided communication interface, also known as remote memory access (RMA). In particular, the interface has been extended to better support popular one-sided and global-address-space parallel
programming models, to provide better access to hardware performance features, and to enable new dataaccess modes. We present the new RMA interface and specify formal axiomatic models for data consistency
and access semantics. Such models can help users to reason about details of the semantics that are hard
to extract from the English prose in the standard. It also fosters the development of tools and compilers,
enabling them to automatically analyze, optimize, and debug RMA programs.
Documentsdownload article: 
| | BibTeX | @article{mpi3-rma-overview, author={Torsten Hoefler and J. Dinan and Rajeev Thakur and Brian Barrett and P. Balaji and William Gropp and K. Underwood}, title={{Remote Memory Access Programming in MPI-3}}, journal={ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC)}, year={2015}, month={Jan.}, publisher={ACM}, note={accepted for publication on Dec. 4th}, source={http://www.unixer.de/~htor/publications/}, } |