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Publications of Torsten Hoefler
Timo Schneider, Sven Eckelmann, Torsten Hoefler, and Wolfgang Rehm:
| | Kernel-Based Offload of Collective Operations - Implementation, Evaluation and Lessons Learned
(In Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Parallel processing - Volume Part II, presented in Bordeaux, France, pages 264--275, Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-642-23396-8, Aug. 2011)
AbstractOptimized implementations of blocking and nonblocking collective operations are most important for scalable high-performance applications. Offloading such collective operations into the communication
layer can improve performance and asynchronous progression of the operations. However, it is most important that such offloading schemes
remain flexible in order to support user-defined (sparse neighbor) collective communications. In this work, we describe an operating system
kernel-based architecture for implementing an interpreter for the flexible Group Operation Assembly Language (GOAL) framework to offload
collective communications. We describe an optimized scheme to store
the schedules that define the collective operations and show an extension to profile the performance of the kernel layer. Our microbenchmarks
demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach and we show performance
improvements over traditional progression in user-space. We also discuss
complications with the design and offloading strategies in general.
Documentsdownload article: 
| | BibTeX | @inproceedings{schneider-goal-kernel, author={Timo Schneider and Sven Eckelmann and Torsten Hoefler and and Wolfgang Rehm}, title={{Kernel-Based Offload of Collective Operations - Implementation, Evaluation and Lessons Learned}}, year={2011}, month={Aug.}, pages={264--275}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Parallel processing - Volume Part II}, location={Bordeaux, France}, publisher={Springer-Verlag}, isbn={978-3-642-23396-8}, source={http://www.unixer.de/~htor/publications/}, } |